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GFWC Paradise Valley Woman's Club is proud to announce club member Sue Shipley is the 2024-2026 GFWC Arizona State President.
Sue has been an active member of our club since 2010 and has served on various committees and as chairman. She was Chairman of a Membership tea that brought eight new members to the club! Sue served as our club Parliamentarian and has served two terms in the office of Vice President (Membership & Programs) and Club President from 2016-2018. She is the Facebook administrator for PV Woman’s Club.
On the district level, Sue is the district Facebook administrator and has served as the GFWC-AZ Central District Corresponding Secretary. She has attended district, state, region, and international meetings. Sue has continued to serve at various levels of leadership after being selected as GFWC Arizona’s 2017 LEADS Representative. Sue is currently serving as GFWC-AZ 1st Vice President and President-Elect.
We are pleased that Sue wishes to continue to serve in a leadership position on the state level and we know she will do so with dedication and enthusiasm. With her experience with GFWC and her background in management, Sue is extremely qualified to lead our state for the next two years.
Sue and her husband, Dennis, are avid travelers and have traveled throughout the world. Her goal is to visit 100 countries. GFWC PV Woman’s Club is pleased to have Sue as a member of our club!